This 10k is set in the grounds of Chatsworth House and is in aid of Helens trust, a charity dedicated to providing palliative care to terminally ill patients.
The course was incredibly hard at least half of the race is a steep uphill seemed to go on for ever and ever. When you finally get to go down hill its so steep and gravelly you cant pick up pace to regain any lost time. I was plagued with stitch from the start, probably due to the uphill from the off ! However I really enjoyed the race and will definitely enter again this year. Need to get there early again as it was packed and the area around Chatsworth quickly gets congested especially on a red hot day like it was for this one. My time was 58.11....slow but on a race like that glad to be under the 60 min mark !! Enjoyed a paddle at the end in the river !
Big thanks to Lee, Bob and support team !